Waukegan, IL

Waukegan, IL

Data Entry Providers Waukegan, IL. In a data and information driven world, more and more companies are discovering that outsourcing to professional data management services is vital. Data Dash has been pioneer among Waukegan, IL data entry providers for over two decades. We help companies in numerous fields streamline their processes and and increase their productivity on the tasks that really matter. Since our inception, we have never missed a deadline and have never lost track of a document. We offer technical expertise and innovative software to get you the best possible results quickly. If you’re considering outsourcing administrative tasks to data entry providers in Waukegan, IL, get in touch with Data Dash today at 314-939-1430 or contact us online.

We provide data capture and document processing to numerous industries, including but not limited to:

What Is Data Entry in Waukegan, IL?

Data entry is the entering of alphabetic, numerical, or symbolic data, whether from paper or audio, into digital systems. The data can be everything from a list of names, computer codes, market analysis, and more. The data can be entered into word processors, spreadsheets, or anywhere a client needs the data to be.

Data entry providers in Waukegan, IL also help consolidate your data so you can have access to it in one system. We can help you go completely paperless, or just transfer data to secure online systems.

Advantages to Outsourcing Data Entry in Waukegan, IL?

Outsourcing your data entry in Waukegan, IL helps by saving your two most important resources: time and money. When you trust your data management to data entry providers, the people who work for you won’t be tied up doing time-consuming administrative duties. Instead, they’ll be able to spend their energy on your customers and the aspects of your business that you hired them to do. According to a recent study, data entry by employees is the leading cause of poor data quality. Waukegan, IL data entry providers are staffed by experts, who can process your data faster and more accurately, and you won’t have to spend any time or money training people on complicated, drawn-out processes. Outsourcing also costs less than hiring your own administrative employees.

How to Choose the Best Data Entry Provider in Waukegan, IL

Once you’ve decided to contract data entry providers, you’ll want to outsource to one that is safe and can do quality work. There are many important factors to consider:

  • Experience: Have they done similar work before? Data Dash has been entering and managing data in Waukegan, IL since 1991, and has exceeded expectations in projects from hospital charts, financial disclosures, and energy and utilities companies in Waukegan, IL.
  • Efficiency: Will they get your project back to you on time? We have more than 50 data entry centers throughout the country, all operating 24/7. Our operators key 12,000,000 keystrokes a day and we can scan over 500,000 pieces of paper in 8 hours. Typically, we can get your project back to you well before the agreed-upon deadline.
  • Accuracy: Timely completion of a project means nothing if there are errors made when entering the data. Most data entry providers work to an error rate of around 1%, our technicians work at a 99.9981% accuracy rate and guarantee a 99.5% accuracy rate on all projects. Our supervisors are consistently authenticating the veracity of our data entry.
  • Customer Support: Do they offer prompt and friendly customer service? As our data management offices operate around the clock, there will always be someone you can talk to. If we work with you on an ongoing basis, your projects will be handled by the same data entry professional, so they’ll evolve an in-depth understanding of your enterprise and your needs.
  • Security: Much of the data we process has personal information. We follow Department of the Interior oversight and that of and other regulatory bodies. We know your information is sensitive, and nothing is more important to us than protecting it.

Offshore vs. Onshore Data Entry Providers in Waukegan, IL

Many Waukegan, IL enterprises have their interest piqued by data entry providers outside the U.S. — called offshoring — in the interest of reducing costs. The two major problems with offshoring your data management could be collaboration and the quality of the work. While there are many offshore data entry providers who will do a great job, we still recommend outsourcing to an American company such as Data Dash — an onshore data capture and conversion service — as a better option for most companies for four main reasons:

  1. As an American data entry provider, we have worked with hundreds of clients that need to follow compliance and regulation standards under U.S. law or from various overseeing entities. All of our Waukegan, IL data entry professionals are trained in HIPAA compliance, PCI compliance, and a variety of other regulatory standards.
  2. Communication will be much easier when done within the country. We work in a close time zone and there will not be misunderstandings because of cultural differences.
  3. While you may save money on data capture and conversion services, you’ll still need to pay for tax and legal experts in the country you offshore to.
  4. While offshoring data capture and conversion services may indeed help you cut down on costs, is centrally located in the U.S. our services do not cost as much many other data entry providers in Waukegan, IL.

In addition to data management services, we also provide Waukegan, IL organizations with:

Other services we offer in Waukegan, IL include:

Waukegan, IL Data Entry Providers | Data Dash

Outsourcing mechanical administrative tasks to data entry providers is a magnificent way to boost your work output and bottom line. At Data Dash, we help clients in myriad fields with expert, efficient, and high quality data capture and document processing. We employ a variety of programming languages and software applications so we can adapt to your specific needs. For a company that truly is unique among data entry providers, call Data Dash today at 314-939-1430 or contact us online.