Accounts Payable Outsourcing Reduces Processing Costs
Processing accounts payable invoices can be expensive for your business. But can you save money with an accounts payable outsourcing partner? A survey conducted by the International Accounts Payable Professionals (IAPP) found that it costs, on average, $8 to process an invoice manually; other firms report processing costs are as high as $10-$20 for a single paper, fax or email invoice! Located in St. Louis and Farmington, MO, we process accounts payable at cheaper rates than those headquartered out of east and west coast data entry companies. Save money by outsourcing to a company with low midwest rates.
Calculating the Cost of Processing Invoices
Many organizations often don’t know how much it costs them to process each individual invoice, but “cost per invoice” is an important metric to understand, and it isn’t difficult to calculate. If you have a dedicated Accounts Payable department, simply divide the cost of running the department by the number of invoices processed. For example, if it costs $10,000 to run your AP department each week and they process 1,000 invoices. Each invoice costs your organization $10. (There are many ways to calculate your company’s cost per invoice. This survey does a great job of covering some of the most popular options.)
What Does it Take to Outsource Accounts Payable?
To achieve the greatest value from outsourcing Accounts Payable, the entire process should be fast and require a minimal implementation to keep internal costs, set-up and training at a minimum. Even with outsourcing, it’s important that the organization keep an accounting team for invoice decisions that can require an accountant’s review. The vast majority of invoices, however, can be easily automated with business process automation software – meaning your staff won’t need to review items that don’t need human expertise.