Los Angeles, CA

Los Angeles, CA

Data Management in Los Angeles, CA. As the world becomes more data-driven, having your data organized, secure, and easy to access through data management services is vital. At Data Dash, we’ve been helping companies and organizations become more efficient and productive for over two decades. Reach out to us today at 314-939-1430 or contact us online to discover more about what we can do for you.

Data Dash offers data management services to enterprises in the following sectors in Los Angeles, CA:

What is Data Management in Los Angeles, CA?

Data management is a comprehensive expression that refers to the data entry, organization, maintenance, and archiving of data that is collected and created. Effectively managing data can help unlock new efficiency in an organization and offer valuable new information and analytical capabilities. The data being managed can be almost anything, including:

  • Customer information
  • Surveys
  • Product data
  • Employee records
  • Payroll information
  • Reference data
  • Mailing lists
  • And more

Fundamentally, data management allows companies in Los Angeles, CA to simply and effectively analyze data in a manner that helps their internal procedures and provides a improved customer experience.

Benefits of Data Management in Los Angeles, CA

New data is consistently being created. Every time a customer purchases a service, likes a post on Facebook or Twitter, or requests a free quote, it creates more information that could be useful for you and your clients. When that data is not organized accurately, it can result in a disorganized mess of otherwise useful information that won’t end up helping your company at all.

According to research from 2018 Global Data Management Benchmark Report, 95% of CEOs, CFOs, and COOs think data is an integral part of their business strategy, and 89% think that incorrect data is impairing their ability to provide their clients with the best experience. With effective data management, you’ll be able to:

  • Be more productive
  • Improve internal operations
  • Implement more agile practices
  • Gain advantages over your competitors
  • Be more cost-efficient, as your team won’t waste time sifting through improperly organized data
  • Respond quicker to market trends
  • Mitigate security risks
  • Make more grounded decisions

Data Management Los Angeles, CA | Data Processing | Data Entry Near Los Angeles

Types of Data Management in Los Angeles, CA

As data management is a comprehensive term, it contains a variety of factors in order to have the most amount of benefit. Different processes involved in data management are:

Master Data Management (MDM)

Master data is the “who,” “what,” and “where” of data. For most Los Angeles, CA organizations, that means customers, providers, services, and locational data. MDM is the organization and storing of master data.

Data Governance

Data governance refers to determining internal policies for the management of data. It ensures that both the data and data entry and collecting systems are consistent. Data governance also ensures availability, usability, consistency, data integrity, and data security. Data governance is sort of like a constitution that puts forth the rules for how your data will be managed.

Data Stewardship

A data steward is a person that enforces the policies agreed to in data governance. They act as a liaison between an IT department managing the data in Los Angeles, CA and the organization where the data originates in order to verify that security, intake, and organization policies are fulfilled and that the data is being properly used. If data governance is a set of laws, data stewardship is the three branches of government.

Data Architecture

Data architecture is the physical foundation of how data is entered and maintained. This refers to the computerized characteristic of data management. It focuses on combining the data with the business strategy. If data governance is concerned with people and process, architecture refers to configuration design.

Data Warehousing or Data Lakes

A data warehouse is a system for reporting and analyzing data. A warehouse contains data that has been organized and is ready for evaluation. A data lake is where you store data that is raw and has yet to be organized. The benefit of a data lake is that data can be stored raw without needing to change it.

Data Security

While certain software like Unibase by DMAC and Laserfiche® Enterprise Document Management software are designed to maintain the security of your data, managing data still necessitates active steps such as ensuring only authorized parties in Los Angeles, CA have access and more.

Data Integration

Data integration refers to combining data in what is called extract, transform, and load. The objective is to eliminate the need to look for different data in different places or systems. This can involve scanning paper documents and getting them to a computerized storage system, or moving data from on-premises storage to cloud.

Data Quality

Data quality management ensures maintain high-quality data to ensure its usefulness from when it is initially collected through its lifespan.

Take a look at the links below to see what other services we offer in Los Angeles, CA:

Los Angeles, CA Data Management | Data Dash

Data Dash offers comprehensive data management to organizations and companies throughout the United States. Our 50 work stations nationwide wide operate around the clock, and our data management professionals type at a 99.9981% accuracy rating. In addition to the aforementioned advantages of data management in Los Angeles, CA, by outsourcing to us you can save valuable time and your employees will be able to carry out the the more important aspects of their job. As our headquarters are in the middle of the country we are capable of managing data from coast to coast, and we are much more affordable than many other data management providers in Los Angeles, CA. Call Data Dash today at 314-939-1430 or contact us online to learn more about how we can make your Los Angeles, CA company flourish.